Planned Giving
Planned giving involves donors making long-term, strategic contributions that support the institution beyond their lifetime. These gifts, often part of a donor's estate or financial planning, can include bequests, charitable trusts, life insurance policies, or retirement assets. Planned gifts provide a sustainable source of funding, allowing the library to enhance its collections, expand programs, upgrade facilities, and offer greater community services.
For donors, it’s an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy, ensuring that the library continues to be a vibrant educational and cultural resource for future generations.
Planned giving involves donors making long-term, strategic contributions that support the institution beyond their lifetime. These gifts, often part of a donor's estate or financial planning, can include bequests, charitable trusts, life insurance policies, or retirement assets. Planned gifts provide a sustainable source of funding, allowing the library to enhance its collections, expand programs, upgrade facilities, and offer greater community services.
For donors, it’s an opportunity to leave a lasting legacy, ensuring that the library continues to be a vibrant educational and cultural resource for future generations.
Ways to Give
Please contact Lisa Coval, Director at (814) 765-3271 for more information, or to discuss any of the below options for planned giving.
QCD-IRADonors age 70 1/2 or older are again eligible to transfer more than $100,000 from their IRA's directly to qualified charities-including the Joseph & Elizabeth Shaw Public Library-without having to pay income taxes on the funds transferred.
The Qualified Charitable Distribution will go from $105,000 in 2024 to $110,000 in 2025. |
Appreciated StockDo you own appreciated stocks? Stock gifts present a great opportunity to support the library's mission, because your gift is mutually beneficial- we receive the full value of the stock, while you avoid paying capital gains tax.
Legacy/BequestYou can give a gift that costs nothing in your lifetime, but can benefit thousands of people in our community, for years to come.
Donor Advised FundsDonor Advised Funds (DAF) are the fastest growing giving method to manage charitable donations. DAFs allow donors to make a charitable contribution, receive an immediate tax deduction, and then recommend donations to non-profit organizations from their fund over time. Please note that per the Internal Revenue Code, you cannot receive goods, services, or impermissible benefits, like membership benefits, as a result of the DAF gift.